What is World Water Day?
Every year since 1993, World Water Day (22 March) raises awareness and inspires action to tackle the water and sanitation crisis. It is about taking action to tackle the global water crisis of the 2.2 billion people living without access to safe water. It is a United Nations observance coordinated by UN-Water. The theme is proposed in advance by UN-Water. It is aligned with the annual publication of the UN World Water Development Report, published by UNESCO on behalf of UN Water.
Did you know?
• 1.4 million people die annually and 74 million will have their lives shortened by diseases related to poor water, sanitation and hygiene. (WHO 2022)
• Today, 1 in 4 people – 2 billion people worldwide – lack safe drinking water. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)
• Almost half of the global population – 3.6 billion people – lack safe sanitation. (WHO/UNICEF 2021)
• Globally, 44 per cent of household wastewater is not safely treated. (UN-Water 2021)
• Global water demand (in water withdrawals) is projected to increase by 55 per cent by 2050. (OECD 2012)
• 70% of the world’s freshwater is used for agriculture in irrigation, fertilizer and pesticide application, crop cooling, and frost control.
• Drip irrigation is the only sustainable irrigation method in terms of water consumption, fertilizer and pesticide application.
By adopting drip irrigation not only you drastically reduce water and chemicals consumption but you also increase your crop yield.
Source: United Nations
